Jony Ive este motorul creator din cadrul Apple, el concepe design-ul viitoarelor produse ale companiei si conduce in acelasi timp divizia care produce design-ul pentru interfata sistemului de operare iOS. De-a lungul timpului Jony Ive a vorbit pentru numeroase publicatii despre experienta sa in cadrul Apple, dar si despre ceea ce a invatat de-a lungul carierei sale de designer industrial, iar mai jos aveti un top 10 de citate de-ale sale.
Jony Ive a avut intotdeauna o mentalitate avangardista si intotdeauna a incercat sa produca design-uri inovatoare pentru produsele companiei Apple, iar in citatele de mai jos aveti prezentata chintesenta gandirii sale.
- The thing is, it’s very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better.
- There is beauty when something works and it works intuitively.
- Good is the enemy of great.
- The memory of how we work will endure beyond the products of our work.
- We have always thought about design as being so much more than just the way something looks. It’s the whole thing: the way something works on so many different levels. Ultimately, of course, design defines so much of our experience.
- It’s a way that you demonstrate that you care for the people that you are making these products for. I think we see ourselves as having a civic responsibility to do that. It’s important. It’s right. It’s very hard to explain why.
- It’s sad and frustrating that we are surrounded by products that seem to testify to a complete lack of care. That’s an interesting thing about an object. One object speaks volumes about the company that produced it and its values and priorities.
- We try to develop products that seem somehow inevitable. That leave you with the sense that that’s the only possible solution that makes sense.
- When something exceeds your ability to understand how it works, it sort of becomes magical.
- A fundamental part of that is making mistakes together. There’s no learning without trying lots of ideas and failing lots of times.