WinZip este disponibil la PRET REDUS in App Store

  WinZip este denumirea versiunii pentru iOS a celebrului program cu acelasi nume, aplicatia fiind disponibila in App Store de mai bine de un an de zile. In cursul acestei zile ea a fost actualizata de catre dezvoltatorii sai, versiunea 3.0 fiind disponibila pentru download cu cateva noutati interesante.

WinZip makes it easy to handle Zip and RAR files on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch! Whether you received a Zip, Zipx, 7z or RAR file as an email attachment, or want to download and view the contents of a Zip, Zipx, 7z and RAR file from the web, just “Open with WinZip”. Sharing files is safe and simple too, with direct integration with Dropbox and support for AirDrop.

 Pentru inceput avem parte de un design nou special conceput pentru iOS 7, avem suport pentru incarcarea/descarcarea fisierelor din Dropbox si nu numai, avem un sistem imbunatatit pentru administrarea fisierelor, avem suport pentru AirDrop si cam atat. Aplicatia WinZip pentru iOS este disponibila la PRET REDUS in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
WinZip Full Version – The leading zip unzip and cloud file management tool



Developer: WinZip Computing LLC
Categoria: Utilities

Descriere: Trying to open a zip file on your mobile phone Good luck — unless you happen to have this handy tool installed. It launches directly from your inbox to give you a look inside those pesky file packages. -…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 6.4 Mb

This post was last modified on iun. 25, 2014, 9:25 PM 21:25

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