Daca folositi OS X si utilizati aplicatiile Apple pentru editare foto/video, atunci trebuie sa stiti ca in cursul acestei seri compania americana si-a actualizat titlurile Final Cut Pro, Motion, Compressor si MainStage. Actualizarea vine la doar o ora dupa anuntarea faptului ca aplicatiile Aperture si iPhoto pentru editare foto vor deveni istorie din momentul lansarii OS X Yosemite, ele urmand a fi inlocuite de o aplicatie Photos.
Final Cut Pro, Motion, Compressor si MainStage sunt disponibile in Mac App Store si ai jos aveti changelog-ul pentru fiecare in parte.
• Optimized, proxy, and rendered media can be stored at any location outside of the library
• Easily delete optimized, proxy, and rendered media from within Final Cut Pro X
• Used media indicators for Compound clips, Multicam clips, and Synced clips
• Option to show only unused media in the Browser
• Apply a standard (Rec. 709) look in real time to high dynamic range and wide color gamut video from ARRI, Blackmagic Design, Canon, and Sony cameras
• Automatically apply an ARRI embedded 3D LUT from the new AMIRA camera
• Support for Apple ProRes 4444 XQ
• Improved speed and accuracy when synchronizing clips
• Audio recording improvements including countdown and automatic Audition creation from multiple takes
• Fast export of cuts-only projects containing XDCAM media
• Export entire library as a single XML file
• Selecting a library displays key metadata in the Inspector
• Adjust relative and absolute volume of a clip or range selection
• Create Keywords from Finder Tags when importing media
• Option to sort events by date or name in the Libraries list
• Import a clip by dragging directly into the Browser
• Share 4K video to Vimeo
• Support for Apple ProRes 4444 XQ
• Better performance when working with large batches
• Status display and improved responsiveness when using “Send to Compressor” from Final Cut Pro X and Motion
• Improved performance and color accuracy when encoding H.264 source files from GoPro cameras
• Fixes issues transcoding alpha channels in image sequences
• Includes general stability improvements• Support for Apple ProRes 4444 XQ
• Improved Sequence Text behavior for animating characters, words, and lines
• Enhanced Contrast filter parameters for refined adjustments
Update-ul pentru aplicatia MainStage urmeaza sa fie disponibil in cursul acestei nopti.