Ingress – Google lanseaza in App Store primul sau joc pentru iPhone si iPad (Video)

  Ingress este un joc de realitate augmentata lansat de catre compania Google in App Store in cursul acestui weekend, iar in clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentat intregul sau gameplay. Practic vorbim despre un joc in care cei de la Google s-au folosit de puterea realitatii augmentate pentru a ne aduce o lume virtuala extrem de interesante in propriile iDevice-uri, ea fiind aproape perfect integrata in lumea reala din jurul nostru.

Ingress transforms the real world into the landscape for a global game of mystery, intrigue, and competition. A mysterious energy has been unearthed by a team of scientists in Europe. The origin and purpose of this force is unknown, but some researchers believe it is influencing the way we think. We must control it or it will control us. Our future is at stake. You must choose a side.

  Cei de la Google au conceput o poveste pentru Ingress si ea are la baza o echipa de cercetatori europeni care a descoperit o noua sursa de energie a carei origine si forta sunt necunoscute acestora. Aceasta energie noua influenteaza modul de gandire al omenirii si voi va trebui sa ii ajutati sa o controleze inainte ca ea sa poata controla intreaga lume, intregul gameplay fiind gandit pentru a putea fi jucat online.

“The Enlightened” seek to embrace the power that this energy may bestow upon us. “The Resistance” struggle to defend, and protect what’s left of our humanity. Move through the real world using your iOS device and the Ingress app to discover and tap sources of this mysterious energy. Acquire objects to aid in your quest, deploy tech to capture territory, and ally with other players to advance the cause of the Enlightened or the Resistance.

  Ingress este disponibil pentru download GRATUIT in App Store.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Google, Inc.
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Ingress transforms the real world into the landscape for a global game of mystery, intrigue, and competition.

Our future is at stake. You must choose a side.

A mysterious energy has been unearthed by a t…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 41.6 Mb

This post was last modified on iul. 14, 2014, 9:02 AM 09:02

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