Panzer Corps este un nou joc lansat in cursul acestei nopti in App Store-ul companiei Apple, el fiind considerat drept un succesor al celebrei serii Panzer General. Vorbesc despre un turn-base strategy game care va da posibilitatea de a controla armata germana in timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial, scopul fiind de a castiga cat mai multe batalii.
Panzer Corps has been hailed as the “the spiritual successor to the Panzer General series”. This award-winning turn-based strategy has been called by the press “…nothing short of brilliant” with high rankings and praises around the world. Brought to fruition by a team of experts and a community of hundreds of fan, Panzer Corps Wehrmacht has evolved into the ultimate strategy classic that will find a home on any wargamer’s shelf!
Set in World War II, Panzer Corps Wehrmacht puts players in the general’s tent in charge of the Axis armies, across 26 scenarios in one large campaign tree, carrying core forces through the war. This core force can gain experience and upgrade to new weaponry as it becomes available. With over 800 unit types, divided into 19 unit classes there is a huge amount to explore. Make use of your units strengths and your enemies weaknesses and seize victory. Panzer Corps Wehrmacht replicates a classic wargame and upgrades it to 21st century standards for a new generation of wargamers, now also on your iPad!
Jocul va ofera nu mai putin de 26 de scenarii intr-o campanie foarte lunga, peste 800 de unitati fiind disponibile pentru armata voastra, ele fiind impartite in nu mai putin de 19 clase de vehocule, iar ele va vor ajuta sa obtineti victorii in fata armatei aliate. Panzer Corps este disponibil in format universal in App Store la PRET REDUS.
Panzer Corps
Descriere: Panzer Corps has been hailed as the the spiritual successor to the Panzer General series. This award-winning turn-based strategy has been called by the press nothing short of brilliant with high rankings and praises around the world. Brought to fruition b…
This post was last modified on iul. 15, 2014, 9:31 AM 09:31