Wake Alarm Clock este o aplicatie lansata de ceva vreme in App Store, iar scopul sau este de a ne ajuta sa ne trezim mai usor dimineata. Inlocuind cu succes aplicatia Clock si functia Alarm, aplicatia ne ofera 3 moduri diferite de setarea a alarmelor, dar is moduri inedite de a le opri. Aplicatia are un meniu intuitiv care ne permite sa alegem rapid optiunile potrivite si sa setam alarmele, ea permitandu-ne sa alegem ca alarmele sa sune cu sau fara vibratii, iar la alegere putem sa oprim alarmele prin simpla intoarcere a terminalului cu ecranul spre masa(functie disponibila prin tweak-uri ale Cydia).
This is a big one! We’re really happy to share this update with you guys. Thanks for your support! Wake 2.0: a whole new way to set your alarm with just your voice, the ability to choose your own alarm from your iTunes library, and a refreshed iOS 7 design. For those of you who have been asking for an iPad version – we got that for you too!
What’s New:
- NEW Voice feature – set an alarm by simply speaking to WAKE (for iPhone 5 and 5S)
- NEW iTunes alarm support – wake up to your own audio every morning
- NEW Refreshed design for iOS 7 – simplified and beautified the whole WAKE experience
- NEW More alarm customization – now you can control the Alarm Style for each alarm
- NEW Landscape support – WAKE now works in portrait and landscape
- NEW Help screen – cleaner and clearer help screen w/ tutorial video
- Critical bug fixes and performance enhancements
Wake Alarm Clock vine cu optiuni pentru setarea nivelului de scuturari pe care trebuie sa le facem pentru a opri alarmele, permite repetarea lor oricand dorim, are sunete separate de cele din iOS si per total este o aplicatie care merita macar luata in considerare. Recent aplicatia a fost actualizata cu un design special pentru iOS 7 si include noi functii listate mai sus. Wake Alarm Clock este disponibila la GRATUIT in App Store intr-un format compatibil cu iPhone/iPod Touch.
Wake Alarm Clock
Descriere: Meet Wake, the most beautiful and intuitive alarm for iPhone & iPad. Slap to snooze, flip your phone over to turn off alarms or Shake to wake. Get up your way with Wake!
Wake combines simplicity and desi…
This post was last modified on iul. 16, 2014, 12:51 PM 12:51