Elephant Rampage este un nou joc disponibil din cursul serii trecute in App Store-ul companiei Apple, iar daca sunteti fani ai distrugerii, atunci veti fi interesati de ceea ce are el de oferit. Dupa cum va puteti da seama si din imaginea de mai sus, jocul va ofera posibilitatea de a controla eleganti giganti care alearga liberi prin diverse orase de pe glob si pot fi controlati pentru a distruge tot ceea ce le iese in cale, inclusiv simplii cetateni.
Man will Regret for Killing Elephants just for their tusk which brought elephants on the edge of extinction. Experience how it is to be a species which is now on the edge of extinction just because some people liked it and take the revenge on behalf of those who died . Where there is shedding of innocent blood, there is no atonement for the land. Show No mercy and leave nothing undamaged spread complete destruction.
Elephant Rampage ofera o experienta de gameplay destul de complexa care va poate tine ocupati timp de cateva ore bune in fiecare zi, iar daca sunteti interesati de el, atunci jocul este disponibil pentru DOWNLOAD din App Store in format universal.
Elephant Rampage ( Simulator Game )
Descriere: Man will Regret for Killing Elephants just for their tusk which brought elephants on the edge of extinction.
Experience how it is to be a species which is now on the edge of extinction just because some people liked it and take the revenge on behalf of t…