Bio Inc. – Biomedical simulator este un nou joc lansat in cursul serii trecute in App Store, iar dupa cum puteti vedea deja prin intermediul clipului video de mai sus vorbim despre un joc extrem de interesant. Dupa cum am scris si in titlu, jocul a fost facut in ideea de a ne transforma in chimisti priceputi care sunt capabili sa produca, cele mai periculoase boli de pe pamant pentru a isi ucide victimele.
Create The Ultimate Illness. Bio Inc is a biomedical strategy simulator in which you determine the ultimate faith of a victim by developing the most lethal illness possible. Upgrade your diseases, boost risk factors and slow down your victim’s recovery before a team of highly motivated doctors find a cure and save him.
Bio Inc. – Biomedical simulator este conceput pentru a avea 12 etape de joc cu peste 100 de conditii biomedicale reale in total, bolile concepute de catre noi fiind impartite pe toate tipurile de sisteme imunitare. Pentru fiecare boala creata si pacient infectat veti avea posibilitatea de a monitoriza starea sa de sanatate in timp real, totul folosind un motor grafic extrem de complex, demn de anul 2014.
- 12 stages with different gameplays
- 100+ realistic biomedical conditions
- Spread diseases across all human systems
- Real-Time human body degradation
- Awesome graphics!
- Three different difficulty settings
- Thousands of ways to play the game
Bio Inc. – Biomedical simulator este disponibil in format universal si la PRET REDUS in App Store.
Bio Inc. – Biomedical Plague
Descriere: **** 50% OFF this weekend only! ****
Bio Inc is a biomedical strategy simulator in which you determine the ultimate fate of a victim by developing the most lethal illness possible.
“Fascinating an…
This post was last modified on aug. 1, 2014, 10:24 PM 22:24