1Password este disponibila la PRET REDUS in App Store

  1Password, una dintre cele mai populare aplicatii prin intermediul caruia pot fi salvate date in iDevice-urile noastre, este incepand de astazi disponibila cu aproape 50% reducere in App Store-ul companiei Apple. 1Password este capabila sa memoreze pentru noi parole pentru orice fel de conturi, datele de logare pentru diverse website-uri, informatii despre carti de credit, practic orice fel de informatii care trebuie protejate in terminale si nu sunteti multumiti de un cod de siguranta.

Have you ever forgotten a password? 1Password can remember them all for you and keep them secured behind your Master Password. You remember your Master Password and 1Password will remember the rest. Every day there are new passwords to remember. They are often forgotten. Using weak passwords or re-using them makes it easy to remember, but criminals love it when you do this. 1Password solves all these problems.

  • Generate strong, unique passwords for every site
  • Protect your data behind a single Master Password
  • Secure with military grade 256-bit AES encryption
  • Cryptographic operations use standard iOS libraries to ensure no security gaps or backdoors 
  • Auto-Lock keeps your data protected even if your device is lost or stolen

  1Password este apreciat de catre persoane din lumea intreaga, foloseste criptate AES de 256 de biti pentru date, asa ca puteti fi siguri ca va pastreaza totul in siguranta. Promotia este disponibila

pentru o perioada limitata de timp, asa ca ar fi bine sa beneficiati de ea daca doriti aplicatia.

Pretul initial:
1Password – Password Manager and Secure Wallet



Developer: AgileBits Inc.
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: 1Password creates strong, unique passwords for every site, remembers them all for you, and logs you in with a single tap. Its the best way to stay secure and the fastest way to use the web.

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Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 14.2 Mb

This post was last modified on aug. 7, 2014, 8:25 AM 08:25

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