Tom Hanks este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti actori de pe glob, iar in App Store el a lansat, cu ajutorul unei companii specializate pe dezvoltarea de aplicatii, o aplicatie numita Hanx Writer. Titlul dezvoltat sub comanda lui Tom Hanks ne ajuta sa scriem orice fel de texte dorim, aplicatia inlocuind tastatura virtuala a iOS-ului cu una speciala ce seamana cu cea a unei masini de scris si reda sunetele specifice acesteia.
Behold, Hanx Writer, created by Tom Hanks. Hanx Writer recreates the experience of a manual typewriter, but with the ease and speed of an iPad. “With Hanx Writer, you’ll hear the rhythm of your work with SHOOK SHOOK or FITT-FITT.” – Tom Hanks. No longer must you surrender modern luxuries, like the DELETE key, to enjoy the look, feel, and sound of good, old-fashioned word-processing.
Avand o colectie de peste 200 de masini de scris clasice, Tom Hanks a contractat dezvoltarea aplicatiei in ideea de a aduce posesorilor de tablete iPad senzatia ca scriu folosind o masina de scris. Aplicatia este disponibila pentru DOWNLOAD GRATUIT in App Store, insa folosind in-app purchase-uri puteti achizitiona fonturi suplimentare sau diverse sunete.
Hanx Writer
Descriere: Behold, Hanx Writer, created by Tom Hanks. Hanx Writer recreates the experience of a manual typewriter, but with the ease and speed of an iPad.
With Hanx Writer, youll hear the rhythm of your work with SHOOK SHOOK or FITT-FITT. Tom Hanks
No longer mus…
This post was last modified on aug. 14, 2014, 5:58 PM 17:58