iOS 8 beta 6 – iata changelog-ul, disponibilitatea este restrictionata pentru partenerii Apple

  Aseara compania Apple a lansat OS X Yosemite beta 6, insa nu a lansat si iOS 8 beta 6 pentru dezvoltatorii de aplicatii pentru iPhone, iPad sau iPod Touch, dar a oferit build-ul partenerilor sai. Compania americana a decis sa le ofere operatorilor de telefonie mobila iOS 8 beta 6 pentru testare in vederea lansarii din toamna, acestia urmand a oferi companiei americane feedback pana in data de 5 septembrie, cand build-ul GM ar trebui lansat.

  Conform informatiilor aparute astazi, iOS 8 beta 6 nu va fi disponibil si pentru dezvoltatorii de aplicatii pentru platforma iOS, insa aceasta decizie s-ar putea schimba in perioada urmatoare. Daca totusi lucrurile nu se vor schimba, atunci iOS 8 beta 5 va ramane ultima versiune beta a iOS 8 pana in momentul lansarii iOS 8 GM, versiunea finala care este oferita dezvoltatorilor inaintea lansarii oficiale.

  Mai jos aveti iOS 8 beta 6 changelog  cu toate modificarile aduse.

OTA Software Update Paths
Carrier Builds
Not Available
User Builds
Not Available

Issues fixed since Seed 5

Baseband & Telephony
Fixed an issue where incorrect pop up message was displayed when SIM was removed
Fixed an issue where clicking on cancel button turned LTE on
Fixed an issue where excessive registration was tried with dual IMSI SIM

Fixed an occasional mail continuity failure from OS X to iOS
Fixed an issue causing continuity to fail after opening control center

Fixed an occasional problem where MT call connection quality would be incorrectly treated as “poor”

Fixed an issue where the active photo cannot be deleted

Fixed a problem where document sync would sometimes consume excessive cellular data

iTunes Store
URLs for the store app are no longer broken in received mail
Fixed a problem with excessive prompts to sign in to the iTunes Store

Fixed an intermittent issue keyword shifting when rotating the screen
Fixed an issue where the emoji keyboard was unusable on Safari

Notes are no longer duplicated when opened through Gmail
Fixed an issue where after withdrawing a draft with attachments, browsing to another message resulted in the attachments getting lost
Fixed an issue where forwarding an email without a photo attachment still sends a photo
Fixed an issue when forwarding an email with an attached photo just brought up the original message without a photo
Fixed an issue where email could be deleted from the lock screen without prompting for a passcode

Fixed a problem where maps would sometimes consume excessive cellular data

Added support for SMS relay opt-in prompt
Fixed issue that caused devices to receive SMS via relay for unselected aliases
Fixed failures sending current location via MMS
Fixed an issue where messages partially overlap Chinese keyboards
Fixed an issue where changing a group name didn’t propagate to other devices until a message is sent

Fixed an issue where an incoming call was being relayed back to originating phone

Fixed an issue where options on declining a call didn’t work with call relay

Fixed an issue where edited photos did not display properly after restoring from backup
Improved full screen photo sharing
Set default to keep all photos on device for users with 5GB iCloud space
Fixed an issue where a user could not select multiple photos and upload to Facebook via Safari

Push Notifications
Improved push connection management upon account logout with multiple associated devices
Fixed a problem where Exchange push notifications would stop after responding to an invitation from the lock screen
Fixed an issue where a user does not receive a notification for incoming messages when the banner for the previous one is pulled down

Fixed an issue unlocking an iPhone while on an active call
Fixed an issue where the keyboard would sometimes become unresponsive when the screen is locked

Visual Voicemail
Fixed an issue where Voicemail could not be played under certain error conditions
Fixed an issue where Phone App hanged when tried to check Voicemail

This post was last modified on aug. 19, 2014, 4:09 PM 16:09

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