Google Docs si Google Sheets sunt doua aplicatii lansate de catre compania Google cu multe luni de zile in urma in App Store-ul companiei Apple, iar in cursul acestei seri ele au fost actualizate. Aplicatia Google Docs aduce posibilitatea de a deschide/edita si salva documente create folosind Microsoft Word, in timp ce Google Sheets ofera aceleasi optiuni pentru fisiere crate folosind Microsoft Excel, permitand in acelasi timp vizualizarea de diagrame, introducerea de formule si utilizarea unui sistem de cautare si inlocuire a cuvintelor.
- Open, edit, and save Microsoft Word documents
- Open, edit, and save Microsoft Excel files
- View charts, insert formulas, and use find/replace.
Google Docs si Google Sheets sunt disponibile pentru DOWNLOAD GRATUIT in format universal in App Store.
Google Docs
Descriere: Create, edit and collaborate with others on documents from your iPod, iPhone or iPad with the free Google Docs app.
With Google Docs you can:
– Create new documents or edit any that you have started on t…
Google Sheets
Descriere: Create, edit, and collaborate with others on spreadsheets from your iPod, iPhone, or iPad with the free Google Sheets app.
With Google Sheets you can:
– Create new spreadsheets or edit any that you start…