Collabracam ne permite sa editam clipuri video pe multiple iDevice-uri simultan, este disponibila GRATUIT in App Store

  Collabracam este o aplicatie foarte ingenioasa lansata cu mult timp in urma in App Store, ea permitandu-ne sa editam simultan clipuri video pe multiple iDevice-uri. Toate terminalele trebuie sa aiba instalata aplicatia Collabracam, terminalul principal avand posibilitatea de a accesa clipurile video stocate in restul iDevice-urilor. Avand acces la multiple clipuri video diferite, ele vor putea fi editate pe un singur iDevice iar rezultatul final va fi un clip video facut pe terminalul de pe care editati.

CollabraCam™ your next video with friends and edit live from four iPhone, iPad or iPod touch cameras streaming in realtime over Wi-Fi or Hotspot. You’re in charge! Direct your camera ops on-the-fly with action cues to get awesome shots from every angle. You can even remote control a camera (or two) with Galileo!  CollabraCam on the go with HotSpot to broadcast a network. CollabraCam utilizes the network, not your data plan. Don’t have Hotspot? Use a wireless router on location, no need for an internet connection… plug it in and you’re ready to go! Or you can create a network with your MacBook Pro.

  Aplicatia e foarte utila pentru cazurile in care mergeti la o petrecere sau intr-o excursie si fiecare dintre voi are alt material video pe telefon si nu stiti cum sa adunati totul intr-un singur filmulet. CollabraCam™: Collaborative Social Video Production este disponibila pentru DOWNLOAD GRATUIT in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
CollabraCam™: Collaborative Social Video Production



Developer: Apptopus, Inc.
Categoria: Photo & Video

Descriere: Price Drop to $1.99 until the next update! Get it now and save!! HD is coming!!!

“The interface looks simple but ingenious.” Fast Co. Design

“This app teaches the skills of supervision and direction.” AppoLearning

“Its just plain amazing.” – iLounge


Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 5.7 Mb

This post was last modified on sept. 2, 2014, 10:01 AM 10:01

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