Jony Ive : iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus si Apple Watch sunt cele mai bune produse Apple de pana acum

  Vorbind intr-nu interviu dat pentru ABC News, Jony Ive a laudat design-ul iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus si Apple Watch, toate trei fiind concepute de catre el pentru compania Apple. Conform lui Tim Cook, procesul de dezvoltare al Apple Watch a inceput cu aproape 3 ani de zile in urma, dispozitivul fiind denumit iWatch

in cadrul companiei americane, Tim Cook utilizandu-i, fara isi dea seama, denumirea intr-un interviu acordat aceleiasi televiziuni.

Muir: How many different versions of the Apple Watch are there? 
Ive: I think we were talking about this earlier, and when you actually do the calculations, it’s millions and millions. 
Muir: Millions and millions? 
Ive: That’s right, there are different materials for the actual case, there’s two different sizes, you can choose one of six different straps or bands. But, the way we treated this from a design point of view wasn’t that you had hardware and then software. Our experience as customers, as users, is that their one in the same. So we designed the user interface, gave people multiple choices, for example in terms of just watch faces.

  Revenind la cele trei produse, Jony Ive vorbeste despre materialele folosite pentru cele trei produse, despre procesul de creare a lor si despre experienta de utilizare, totul intr-un clip video scurt disponibil aici.

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