Intr-un interviu acordat in cursul zilei de ieri, Tim Cook a afirmat pentru o televiziune americana ca iPhone 6 si iPhone 6 Plus sunt mai bune, din toate punctele de vedere, decat orice terminale Android disponibile pe piata. Mai mult decat atat, Tim Cook se asteapta la un numar foarte mare de clienti care vor face upgrade de la iPhone-urile vechi la iPhone 6 si iPhone 6 Plus, plus un numar mare de clienti noi veniti din randurile posesorilor de terminale Android
.Cook said Apple’s efforts in payments were “classic Apple” in taking a complex problem and making it simple. “Yes, there is going to be some economic benefit, but from a customer point of view, it takes something that’s way too hard and insecure and makes it so easy and fast.”
Trecand la Apple Pay, Tim Cook a afirmat ca Apple va lua de la bancile americane comisioane pentru folosirea sistemului, afirmand totusi ca implementarea sa aduce mari beneficii pentru utilizatori, in special pe partea de securitate. In ceea ce priveste Apple Watch, Cook sustine ca produsul a fost realizat printr-o colaborare stransa intre diviziile interne ale Apple, produsul urmand a se diferentia de altele similare si va genera vanzari record.
Finally, Cook said the Apple Watch was the byproduct of deep thinking about every aspect of the product, and only possible because of collaboration among Apple’s hardware, software and services teams. He believes that will differentiate Apple’s smartwatch from other devices, which have recorded tepid sales.
This post was last modified on sept. 10, 2014, 1:01 PM 13:01