iOS 8 – Angajatii Apple monitorizeaza retelele de socializare pentru a depista probleme

  iOS 8 este un update extrem de important pentru compania Apple si dupa lansarea sa oficiala, cei din Cupertino au creat o echipa de angajati care monitorizeaza website-urile de socializare pentru a depista problemele utilizatorilor. Informatia vine de la o persoana care a folosit Twitter pentru a se plange in legatura cu o problema a sistemului Family Sharing disponibil in iOS 8, el fiind abordat de catre un angajat al Apple care i-a cerut detalii si i-a oferit asistenta.

So yesterday I made a thread here and then tweeted a link to that thread about an issue I was having with iOS 8 family sharing: Out of nowhere, an Apple employee hit me up on twitter asking me to send them a DM. Via DM, he then worked with me to isolate the problem. I discovered that not all content was giving me that error, only a subset. He got excited saying this is something they’ve been trying to track down but were not able to reproduce. 

  Se pare ca in cadrul Apple, aceasta echipa are cel putin o incapere dedicata in care isi desfasoara activitatea, monitorizand sute de mii de mesaje publicate pe retelele de socializare in legatura cu problemele iOS 8. Se pare ca Apple incearca sa afle rapid despre toate problemele care exista in sistemul sau de operare pentru a le rezolva inainte ca ele sa genereze prea multa atentie mediatica si se pare ca eforturile lor vor fi incununate de succes.

I was telling him how surprised and impressed I was with this service, given how busy a day Apple was having, for them to just see something I tweeted (I don’t even have 300 followers) and follow up with me so quickly. He said that they had a “War Room” at Apple trawling through social media and everything they could find looking for anyone having issues (particularly with Family Sharing) so they could address them ASAP.

This post was last modified on sept. 19, 2014, 7:06 AM 07:06

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