iPhone 6 si iPhone 6 Plus – un numar mare de utilizatori isi indoaie terminalele in buzunare

  Va spuneam astazi ca un posesor de iPhone 6 a reusit sa isi indoaie terminalul in timp ce il tinea in buzunar si problema prea una singulara, insa in realitate se pare ca problema este mult mai raspandita. Atat posesori de terminale iPhone 6, cat si posesori de terminale iPhone 6 Plus au reusit sa isi indoaie dispozitivele in buzunare in timpul utilizarii, majoritatea in timp ce conduceau spre diverse locatii.

Yesterday, I left at 10am with the iPhone in my left FRONT pocket of my suit pants. I drove 4 hours to a wedding, which also involved a lot of sitting during dinner etc but also 2-3 hours of dancing. I left at 2am and went to bed, driving home 4 hours back.  So in total, the 6 Plus was about 18 hours in my pocket while sitting mostly. As I lay it on the coffee table and sat down on the couch to relax from the drive (yes, sitting again ), I saw the reflection of the window in the iPhones slightly distorted.

  Mai sus aveti declaratiile unor utilizatori care au reusit sa isi indoaie terminalul in timp ce stateau la masa sau dansau, deci plasarea terminalelor in buzunare stramte ar putea genera indoirea lor. Desigur ca Apple nu va rezolva vreodata aceasta problema si e putin probabil ca ea sa recunoasca faptul ca terminalul a fost gandit gresit si este fragil cand o greutate mare este plasata deasupra sa, insa voi trebuie sa aveti grija cu ele, deoarece observati ca nu rezista aproape deloc la presiune.

This post was last modified on sept. 23, 2014, 6:43 PM 18:43

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