Apple retrage acreditarea unei prestigioase reviste dupa ce a demonstrat ca iPhone 6 se indoaie (Video)

  Toti oamenii de pe planeta care au televizor sau calculator au aflat ca iPhone 6 se indoaie si ca iPhone 6 Plus se indoaie, unele publicatii importante facand demonstratii ale acestui lucru in show-uri TV proprii. Computer Bild este una dintre aceste publicatii si una dintre cele mai vandute reviste de tehnologie din Europa, iar in clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentat un iPhone 6 Plus care se indoaie dupa aplicarea unei presiuni asupra carcasei sale intr-un anumit punct.

The german PR department of the company reacts in a disturbing way: Instead of answering the questions about why the iPhone 6 Plus is so sensitive, a manager called Computer Bild and told us, that Computer Bild will not get any testing devices and no invites to official events any more …

   Cei de la Computer Bild au incercat sa-si informeze cititorii in legatura cu scandalul bendgate si acest lucru a atras retragerea acreditarii oferite de catre compania Apple pentru participarea de conferintele de PR si pentru testarea produselor sale. Cei de la Computer Bild au trimis o scrisoare CEO-ului Tim Cook

in care critica masura luata de catre departamentul de PR al companiei Apple si masura pare exagerata pentru o revista populara vanduta in 9 tari din Europa.

  Apple are o politica foarte stricta in ceea ce priveste demonstrarea problemelor produselor sale, a retras acreditarea Gizmodo timp de 4 ani pentru publicarea de imagini cu un prototip al iPhone 4 inainte de a fi lansat, asa ca stim cat de razbunatoare poate fi. Din punctul meu de vedere decizia celor din Cupertino nu este corecta si ea demonstreaza faptul ca obiectivitatea nu face parte din mentalitatea celor care conduc departamentul de PR al Apple.

Dear Mr. Tim Cook!

Just like anyone else who is obsessed with digital technology we have eagerly awaited the new iPhone. We felt relief when the head of our telecom department one day shouted “Here we go!”, presenting an invitation to the great event. And certainly we took a flight, went all the way to California, just to tell our readers every detail about the device that you and your company have worked on so hard for such a long time.

When the iPhone 6 Plus finally hit the market we noticed a few reports on a possible problem. According to them the case seemed to be weak, “bendable”, to drop the evil word. Being popular for our tests with utmost scrutiny, we could not leave the subject without comment. Of course that required further tests since testing new products without any prejudice is our obligation to our readers.

And so we bought an iPhone 6 Plus, just to find out whether it was a singular problem or some kind of hoax. The test was quite simple, so we could easily record it on video. Just to prove that what happens is nothing but the truth.

To be honest: We were shocked about how easy it was to bend the device. And so were around 200.000 viewers who watched the video up until now. We can imagine that you and your colleagues must have been shocked, too. This might have been the reason why we got a call from one of your german colleagues the next morning. He was upset, and it was a rather short conversation. “From now on”, he said, “you won’t get any devices for testing purposes and you will not be invited to Apple events in the future.”

Dear Mr. Cook: Is this really how your company wants to deal with media that provide your customers with profound tests of your products? Do you really think that a withdrawal of Apple’s love and affection could have an intimidating effect on us? Luckily we do not have to rely on devices that Apple provides us with. Luckily, a lot of readers are willing to pay money for our magazine to keep us independent. So we are able to buy devices to do our tests anyway. Even devices of manufacturers that seem to fear COMPUTER BILD’s independent judgement.

Even if we are quite dismayed about Apple’s reaction, we won’t give up our principles: We will continue our incorruptible tests that have the same high reputation in the german media-landscape as Apple has for its products. So far. We congratulate you to your fine new generation of iPhones, even if one of them has a minor weakness with its casing. But we are deeply disappointed about the lack of respect of your company.

Best regards,

Axel Telzerow

Editor in Chief COMPUTER BILD-Group

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