Translator Keyboard este o noua aplicatie cu tastatura terta lansatain cursul noptii trecute in App Store pentru iPhone si iPad, ea permitand traducerea in timp real a textelor noastre chiar in momentul in care le scriem. Dupa cum puteti vedea in imaginea de mai sus, tastatura ne permite sa scriem textele in iOS intr-o anumita limba, ea traducandu-le automat si trimitandu-le catre interlocutorii nostri in limba selectata de catre noi pentru traducere.
Translator Keyboard allows you to write in another language straight from your keyboard! It’s quick and easy to switch between translator keyboard and your normal keyboard. You can use translator keyboard in any app – write text messages, send e-mails, or translate your text to another language anywhere anywhere you like. Choose from over 40 languages to translate to!
Pentru ca vorbim despre o tastatura terta, ea poate fi utilizata in orice aplicatie a iOS-ului, deci teoretic nu sunteti limitati absolut deloc in a ii folosi functionalitatea oricand aveti nevoie. Translator Keyboard poate traduce texte in nu mai putin de 44 de limbi de pe glob si poate traduce texte din 30 de limbi de pe glob, ea suportand limba romana si necesitand o conexiune de internet pentru a face traducerile in timp real.
- Fast and accurate online translation using industry leading translation API
- Translate to 44 different languages
- Translate from 30 different languages
- Change source and target language straight from the keyboard
- Translator Keyboard’s autocorrection will correct your spelling in whichever language you are writing in
Translator Keyboard este disponibila pentru DOWNLOAD in format universal in App Store.
Translator Keyboard
Descriere: Translator Keyboard allows you to write in another language straight from your keyboard! Its quick and easy to switch between translator keyboard and your normal keyboard. You can use translator keyboard i…
This post was last modified on oct. 2, 2014, 8:34 PM 20:34