Minuum o tastatura terta pentru iOS 8 disponibila la PRET REDUS (Video)

  Urmand indeaproape exemplul celor de la Fleksy, compania Minuum a lansat in cursul lunii trecutepropria tastatura terta pentru iOS 8, iar in clipul video de mai sus puteti vedea cum va functiona ea dupa instalarea in iDevice-urile noastre. Procedura de instalare este identica precum in cazul celei de la Fleksy, activarea tastaturii facandu-se prin apasarea repetata a butonului ce reprezinta un glob, pozitionat in partea de jos a tastaturii virtuale a iOS 8.

Be prepared for a typing revolution. At Minuum, we’re making input frictionless on all things smart and wearable; expect new and exciting features to be released regularly. Minuum for iPhone is the first step toward a “type anywhere” future. Soon, Minuum will let you type in ways you never imagined.

  Noua tastatura a celor de la Minuum este disponibila pentru DOWNLOAD la PRET REDUS in perioada urmatoare.

Pretul initial:
Minuum – The Little Keyboard for Big Fingers



Developer: Whirlscape Inc
Categoria: Utilities

Descriere: Type faster, see more screen and take control of autocorrect with Minuum: the little keyboard for big fingers.

LIMITED TIME ONLY: On SALE for 50% off (regular price of $3.99 USD)

Just swipe up and down t…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 48.5 Mb

This post was last modified on oct. 3, 2014, 8:38 PM 20:38

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