Maine se vor implini 3 ani de la decesul legendarului CEO Steve Jobs, iar Tim Cook a tinut sa le reaminteasca angajatilor Apple despre importanta pe care a avut-o el in crearea companiei asa cum o stim astazi. Scrisoarea de mai jos a fost trimisa de catre Tim Cook tuturor angajatilor companiei americane, iar prin ea el le cere acestora sa sa ia un moment de pauza in viata lor pentru a aprecia munca depusa de catre Steve Jobs de-a lungul timpului pentru Apple si nu numai.
Cook sustine ca desi Steve Jobs nu mai este in viata, influenta sa este resimtita prin produsele pe care Apple le-a creat, dar si prin modul in care el a influentat lumea in care traim.
Sunday will mark the third anniversary of Steve’s passing. I’m sure that many of you will be thinking of him on that day, as I know I will.
I hope you’ll take a moment to appreciate the many ways Steve made our world better. Children learn in new ways thanks to the products he dreamed up. The most creative people on earth use them to compose symphonies and pop songs, and write everything from novels to poetry to text messages. Steve’s life’s work produced the canvas on which artists now create masterpieces.
Steve’s vision extended far beyond the years he was alive, and the values on which he built Apple will always be with us. Many of the ideas and projects we’re working on today got started after he died, but his influence on them — and on all of us — is unmistakeable.
Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for helping carry Steve’s legacy into the future.
– Tim