GT indicated that as of September 29, 2014 it had approximately $85 million of cash. In addition, it is now seeking debtor-in-possession financing, which, once obtained, would provide the company with an immediate source of additional funds. These funding sources will enable GT to satisfy the customary obligations associated with the daily operation of its business, including the timely payment of employee wages and other obligations.
Desi compania Apple a facut o serie de plati catre GT Advanced in baza parteneriatului dintre ele, se pare ca sumele nu au fost suficiente pentru a mentine compania pe “linia de plutire” din punct de vedere financiar. E greu de spus in ce mod vor fi afectate planurile Apple de a folosi sticla de safir in Apple Watch si in viitoarele sale produse, insa din moment ce se afla intr-un parteneriat cu GT Advanced si au o fabrica deschisa impreuna, nu cred ca va evita sa ajute compania cu bani pentru a mentine colaborarea activa.
This post was last modified on oct. 6, 2014, 5:58 PM 17:58