Prompt 2 – un client SSH pentru iPhone sau iPad

  Prompt 2 este o aplicatie lansata in cursul acesteo saptamani in App Store pentru iPhone sau iPod Touch, iar cu ajutorul sau ne putem conecta la orice fel de servere folosind protocolul SSH sau cel Telnet si nu numai. Aceasta este cea de-a doua versiune a Prompt si vine la trei ani de zile dupa lansarea celei dintai, ea aducand o interfata imbuntatita pentru utilizatori, functii noi si extrem de utile, insa si posibilitatea de conectare mai rapida la servere.

Welcome to Prompt 2. In the three years since Prompt was released and became a favorite of admins, we’ve been constantly releasing updates, while also taking notes on what significant new features people wished Prompt had. Then, we did almost all of it. Prompt 2 is, simply put, an excellent SSH and TELNET client. But how can it make SSH tasks easier? Read on.

  In aceasta versiune a aplicatiei aveti optiunea de a sincroniza datele voastre despre servere intre aplicatiile instalate pe multiple terminale, aveti optiunea de a crea scurtaturi pentru cele mai utilizate comenzi dupa conectarea la servere si nu doar atat. Prompt 2 include si suport pentru Touch ID, astfel ca veti putea folosi o parola pentru a va securiza datele si conctarile, aplicatia fiind deasemenea optimizata pentru iPhone 6 si iPhone 6 Plus.

Finally. Sync your favorite servers, passwords, private keys, and clips, between Prompt on all of your iOS devices. It’s fast, it’s extremely secure, and best of all, it’s free. Put your most-used commands and text bits into clips and access them with a single tap via Prompt’s keyboard bar. Clips can be stored globally or per-server.

  Prompt 2 este disponibila pentru DOWNLOAD in App Store.

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Prompt 2



Developer: Panic, Inc.
Categoria: Utilities

A brand-new app, with great new features, Prompt 2 gets the job done.

It’s classic. You step outside for a few seconds to eat some gyros and the server …

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