iMac Retina Display 5K – iata primele review-uri

  iMac Retina Display 5K este disponibil pentru achizitie de mai bine de o saptamana in magazinele companiei Apple, iar astazi avem ocazia de a vedea si primele review-uri pentru noul produs al celor din Cupertino. Dupa cum probabil va imaginati deja, noul produs este laudat fara constrangeri de catre toate persoanele care l-au testat, el fiind promovat ca un produs grozav pentru profesionistii care editeaza clipuri video in propriile calculatore, dar oricine care si-l permite are totusi recomandarea de a il cumpara.

  iMac Retina Display 5K are un pret de pornire de 2500$ in versiunea de baza, sau 2500€ in traducere libera pentru preturile romanesti, dar produsul isi merita pe deplin banii, dupa cum era de altfel de asteptat.

iMac Retina Display 5K Reviews


Who needs a desktop in a world with laptops, tablets and even phones that are just as capable? Last week Apple introduced a new kind of desktop iMac that changed my mind […]

The Retina iMac is a game-changer for creative types […] My biggest worry was that the computer would choke while trying to drive all those millions of pixels. But performance wasn’t a problem in my tests loading giant images in Photoshop, flicking through a field of previews in Adobe Lightroom or editing 4K video in Final Cut Pro […]

Priced at $2,500 and up, you don’t need this new iMac—standard 27-inch iMacs start at $700 less. But oh boy will you want one.


Apple has created an all-in-one that’s ideal for creative professionals, especially those with a visual focus, with the iMac with Retina 5K display. But that’s not all the company has done with this machine; instead, they’ve built a computer that provides the future, today, for anyone with the financial capability to get it […]

This is an iMac that will satisfy anyone who takes the plunge. A Mac Pro might be a more powerful performer, but for most people, the iMac with Retina display will be the best all-around computer for their needs […]

Apple’s price of admission for 5K goodness is steep, with prices starting at $2,499 (plus additional fees for custom configurations) but it’s worth every penny.


The new 27-inch Apple iMac adds a stunning 5K display for not much more than last year’s high-end model. The design, while not updated, remains the gold standard for all-in-one desktops.

[The downside is that] except for the new screen and a different GPU, the components are essentially unchanged from last year’s version. The high starting price only gets you a mid-level Core i5 processor […]

But, having experienced the 5K screen up close, it’s also hard to un-see the effect of never being able to detect the pixel grid on the screen. I’ve had several photo and video professionals tell me this is exactly what they’re looking for, and at only $500, £400, or AU$550 more than the closest comparable non-5K 27-inch iMac, it’s the equivalent of adding the cheapest possible aftermarket 4K display. If you’re in that professional or semi-pro category, the math may just work out for you on this.


The Retina 5K display isn’t just good, it’s overwhelming […] I loaded up the new iMac with several 4K nature videos. The tiniest stars in a night sky rendered themselves as pinpricks of light; nooks and crannies in stone and wood showed up in minute detail. I also streamed House of Cards in 4K, and seeing Kevin Spacey’s every pore and follicle was enough that meeting the actor in person might feel like a letdown […]

The use of a discrete AMD Radeon R9 M290X graphics card means that not only does the iMac have the graphics chops for 5K video, it can also handle gaming (albeit, nowhere near 5K resolution) […] While the iMac isn’t intended to be a gaming machine, you’ll find that it will play current AAA titles at playable frame rates, provided you keep the resolution below 1080p and back off the detail settings.

The unmatched display paired with solid high-end performance at a surprisingly affordable price makes it our Editors’ Choice for high-end all-in-one desktops.

This post was last modified on oct. 22, 2014, 6:10 PM 18:10

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