The follow up to the award-winning, best-selling Worms 2: Armageddon is here! Worms™ 3 has been designed and developed exclusively for iOS. DEAL yourself the advantage with a new, game-changing enhancement. Turn on the card mode and alter the start and end of each turn by the playing of strategic cards. COLLECT in-game rewards that allow you to purchase bronze, silver and gold cards. Build your deck from 41 fiendishly designed cards!
Jocul are in continuare binecunoscutele clase de rame care v-au ajutat sa petreceti atat de mult timp pe iDevice-urile voastre, insa nu trebuie uitat nici modulul multiplaer care va permite sa va provocati prietenii, sau persoane necunoscute la jocuri online. Pentru a participa la concurs trebuie doar să lăsați un comentariu cu textul Particip
. Concursul se va încheia vineri la ora 08:00.UPDATE – Castigatorii sunt : A.S.C™, Cosminel, Dodo, criminal , Vasile Oprea ;
Codurile vor fi trimise in cursul acestei saptamani.
This post was last modified on nov. 10, 2014, 9:02 AM 09:02