PhotoAlbums+ adds multiple layers of privacy with a password protected private albums list plus individual passwords for those private albums. You don’t understand why there is no way to MOVE photos on iOS 7 instead of stupidly copying them? You want to decide which photos get added to PhotoStream rather than having them added automatically in background? You need USB access to your photo albums? Here is the solution: PhotoAlbums+ for iOS 7! And this comes with a 100% stock looking UI integration into Photos and Camera app!
Pentru iOS 8 tweak-ul a fost actualizat cu o noua interfata, dar si cu integrare completa aplicatiile Photos si Camera Roll, asa ca nu veti mai avea probleme in timpul utilizarii. PhotoAlbums+ este disponibil in doua versiuni pentru iPhone si iPad, ambele putand fi cumparate din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia si este compatibil cu Pangu jailbreak.
This post was last modified on nov. 19, 2014, 10:21 PM 22:21