hi updated to 8.1.1 and seemed to have lost my ringtone I bought on Monday … i’m having the same problem. bought 3 tones, installed new ios, lost them… my text tone and ringtone were working fine on my phone this weekend (without doing any transfer to itunes like you said) and then after 8.1.1 install they are gone,… Hi rang apple seems they get a lot of this type of problem the only answer I could get out of them was to sync with the computer again don’t think he really understood….
iOS 8.1.1 tonuri de apel disparute dupa update
iOS 8.1.1 a fost instalat de catre majoritatea dintre utilizatori folosind sistemul Software Update implementat de catre Apple direct in iOS, sau folosind programul iTunes, astfel ca nu s-a repus un backup vechi peste date pentru a se copia si tonurile de apel. Din pacate in momentul de fata singura solutie pentru rezolvarea acestei probleme este copierea tonurilor de apel folosind iTunes si un PC, fie stergerea tuturor datelor din terminalele voastre si repunerea unui backup, dar asta numai in situatia in care nu ati facut deja un backup dupa actualizare, pentru a salva datele fara acele tonuri de apel disponibile in backup.
Voi ati intalnit aceasta problema neobisnuita dupa instalarea iOS 8.1.1?