Siegecraft – un joc tower defense pentru iOS disponibil la PRET REDUS (Video)

     Siegecraft este un joc dezvoltat de Crescent Moon Games si Blowfish Studios care promite sa tina ocupati posesorii de iDevice-uri pentru cateva ore bune. Jocul face parte din categoria tower defense si aduce o viziune noua asupra modului in care ar trebui sa arate un astfel de titlu. Siegecraft ne ofera posibilitatea de a utiliza “masini de lupta”: catapulte, berbeci plus multe altele, pentru a distruge NPC-urile trimise impotriva noastra. Fiecare NPC distrus genereaza bani care pot fi utilizati pentru a face un upgrade masinii noastre de lupta deci practic avem un stil de joc asemanator celui prezentat in jocurile de tip tower defense.

You are the best siege team money can buy. Work for each race as they rage war on each other. Perform well to get paid more and buy awesome power-ups and upgrade your siege machines! Exquisitely created environments and 3 unique races to play, Knights, Vikings and Samurai. Each race has their own campaigns to battle through and hand crafted units, buildings and scenery. Embed yourself in each world with unique warriors, weapons, buildings and monster bosses! Did someone mention mountain trolls??

      Siegecraft are 6 campanii cu zeci de nivele diferite, si un modul multiplayer in care ne vom putea “masura fortele” fie cu prietenii nostri fie online cu alti jucatori. Siegecraft este disponibil in format universal la PRET REDUS, asa ca ar fi bine sa profitati de ocazie pentru a il cumpara.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Crescent Moon Gam…
Categoria: Games

Descriere: #1 iPad game in 15 countries!
#1 Strategy game in 39 countries!

iPhone Gamer UK 5/5
“Beautifully lush graphics and great music mixed with bucketloads of blood and mass destruction,with a dash of wicked humour and a whole load of fun gameplay.”

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This post was last modified on nov. 3, 2019, 12:33 PM 12:33

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