Descarca clipuri video YouTube pe iPhone si iPad folosind Intube 2 (iOS 8)

  Descarca clipuri video YouTube pe iPhone si iPad folosind Intube 2 (iOS 8), un tweak

lansat in cursul acestei zile in Cydia pentru terminalele noastre cu o functionalitate ce nu este oferita de vreo alta aplicatie disponibila in App Store-ul companiei Apple pentru noi. Conform descrierii facute de catre dezvoltatorii tweak-ului, a descarca clipuri video YouTube pe iPhone sau iPad este extrem de simplu folosind acest pachet, el permitand download-ul chiar si la rezolutii 1080p prin intermediul conexiunilor de date sau Wi-Fi, deci vom beneficia de optiunea de a salva offline orice dorim.

InTube is one of the most popular Cydia tweak which optimize your YouTube app experience. Thanks to the “InTube” button that will appear when you are watching a video on YouTube app, you can easily download videos choosing between different formats and resolutions (up to 1080p).  The download will start in the iTunes Store app and, at the end, the video will be automatically imported inside both “Video” and “Music” app.

Descarca clipuri video YouTube pe iPhone si iPad

    Intube 2 (iOS 8) este prezentat ca fiind cel mai popular tweak disponibil pentru a descarca clipuri video YouTube pe iPhone si iPad, download-urile incepand in aplicatia iTunes Store si fiind mai apoi finalizate in aplicatiile Music sau Videos. Tweak-ul permite efectuarea de descarcari multiple in propriile iDevice-uri, permite importarea de clipuri video dintr-o aplicatie in alta, permite rularea de clipuri video YouTube in background, permite controlarea rularii clipurilor video direct din LockScreen, ascunderea reclamelor in aplicatia YouTube pentru iOS si totul in cea mai recenta versiune a sistemului de operare pentru iDevice-uri.

Download videos in ANY quality between 240p and 1080p and in different formats (mp4, 3gp)
View the download progress inside the iTunes Store app like you have just purchased something in the store.
Simultaneous and background downloads remaining time, total download size and downloaded bytes
You can close the app whenever you want and the download will continue inside the iTunes Store app
Download the video with the thumbnail and other YouTube infos
After the download import the video inside the “Music” app
After the download import the video inside the “Video” app
After the download you can import the video inside the “Photo roll” app
Background playback for YouTube app
Currently playing video information displayed in the LockScreen
Play/Stop directly from the LockScreen
ALL ads inside YouTube app are blocked
Compatible with all iPhone and iPad with iOS 8
English and Italian language

  Pentru a putea descarca clipuri video YouTube pe iPhone si iPad folosind Intube 2 (iOS 8) va trebui sa cumparati tweka-ul din Cydia, el fiind disponibil la pretul de 3$ in repo-ul BigBoss.

This post was last modified on nov. 25, 2014, 9:15 PM 21:15

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