iPad Air 2 Change is in the Air este denumirea unei noi campanii de promovare a iPad Air lansata in cursul noptii trecute de catre compania Apple, prin ea fiind prezentate modurile inovative prin care poate fi folosita o tableta iPad. Mergand pe o linie similara cu cea a spoturilor de promovare lansate in cursul anului trecut, Apple prezinta acum o gama extrem de variata de persoane din domenii diverse de activitate care folosesc iPad Air 2 pentru a isi indeplini slujbele.
iPad Air 2 isn’t just the thinnest and lightest iPad we’ve ever created. It’s the most powerful. From the studio to the classroom, the field to the garage, it’s helping people discover new and better ways to do the things they love. Imagine what you’ll do with it.
Mai jos aveti listate toate aplicatiile grozave prezentate si promovate de catre compania Apple in acest clip, ele putandu-va ajuta sa creati desene grozave, sa inregistrati poze fantastice, sa va transformati intr-un regizor si nu doar atat. Seria de campanii de promovare a iPad Air poate fi vazuta in aceasta pagina a website-ului Apple.
Take your muse with you.
More than just a sketchbook, Tayasui Sketches is filled with beautiful tools so easy to use you may not wait for inspiration to strike before you start drawing.
Capture and digitize all your reminders, bright ideas, and doodles in one fell swoop. Then organize and share them any way you like, with whomever you like.
With just a few props and lots of imagination you can create unforgettable movies frame by frame. And when it’s a wrap, invite the neighbors over for an art-house screening in your living room.
Put the designs in your head into your hands with AutoCAD 360. Now you can easily create, edit, and share stunning 2D and 3D drawings and renderings with workstation power, minus the workstation.
You don’t need to be a mechanic to work like one. Optimize your car’s performance with an array of real-time diagnostics including trouble codes, fuel efficiency, and battery voltage.
You don’t need a knack for illustration and a team of animators to turn a rainy afternoon into a cartoon. Bring your drawings to life, make your own comics, or create caricatures of your friends with this easy-to-use animation suite.