Tim Cook este nominalizat pentru premiul Persoana Anului acordat de catre Time Magazine

  Tim Cook este celebrul CEO al companiei Apple, aflat in functie de la sfarsitul anului 2011, iar anul acesta cei de la Time Magazine il nominalizeaza din nou in lista personalitatilor luate in considerare pentru castigarea premiului de Persoana Anului. Ca de obicei, revista americana nu ia in calcul doar indivizi de pe glob, ci si grupuri de persoane, astfel ca in lista entitatilor luate in considerare pentru premiu regasim si cateva intrari cel putin surprinzatoare.

  • The Ferguson protesters, who took to the streets in August following the fatal shooting of an unarmed black 18-year-old by a white police officer, and again in November when a grand jury declined to indict the officer in the killing.
  • Tim Cook, who introduced Apple’s iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, Apple Watch, and Apple Pay this year, and whose decision to come out made him the first openly gay Fortune 500 CEO.
  • The Ebola caregivers, who are still fighting the biggest Ebola outbreak in history, that has so far taken the lives of nearly 7,000 people in West Africa.
  • Vladimir Putin, the Russian president who has remained in the headlines throughout this year, from his country’s stewardship of the Winter Olympics in Sochi to its annexation of Crimea, and its role in the ongoing civil strife in eastern Ukraine.
  • Taylor Swift, one of the world’s top-selling pop artists, who this year shook up the music industry by pulling her music from streaming service Spotify, which she believes should compensate artists more.
  • Jack Ma, an English teacher turned founder and CEO of Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant which debuted a $25 billion IPO.
  • Masoud Barzani, the acting president of the Iraqi Kurdish Region since 2005, who has deftly threaded the region’s push for independence with the ongoing fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria.
  • Roger Goodell, the National Football League commissioner whose leadership has been under great scrutiny this year as the league dealt with public incidents of domestic abuse by players such as Ray Rice, among other controversies.

  Vorbesc desigur despre protestatarii celebrului caz al impuscarii din Ferguson, SUA, perosonalul medical si auxiliar care a ajutat bolnavii de Ebola, dar si presedintele Vladimir Putin care si-a dat acordul pentru sustinerea unui razboi civil in Ucraina. Singurul CEO recunoscut din intreaga lista este Jack Ma, el fiind presedintele grupului chinez Alibaba, lista fiind completata de catre cantareata Taylor Swift, presedintele Irak-ului si presedintele Ligii Nationale de Fotbal american din SUA.

  E greu de spus cine va castiga anul acesta, insa Tim Cook are sansele sale serioase in principal prin prisma curajului de a admite in fata lumii intregi ca este CEO-ul gay al celei mai populare companii IT de pe glob, dar si pentru sustinerea drepturilor homosexualilor si lesbienelor.

This post was last modified on dec. 8, 2014, 10:03 PM 22:03

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