Battery Graph Widget afiseaza informatii despre consumul zilnic al bateriei fara a face jailbreak

  Battery Graph Widget este o aplicatie lansata in App Store cu nu foarte mult timp in urma pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch, ea fiind gandita pentru a functiona in baza sistemului din iOS 8 ce permite vizualizarea de informatii privind consumul bateriei. In Configurari>General>utilizare>utilizare Baterie veti vedea detalii privind aplicatiile sau serviciile care consuma cea mai multa energie, insa nu si informatii privind consumul zilnic al energiei bateriei.

Battery Graph Widget tracks the battery level of your device and displays the graph with battery level. Furthermore, it calculates the estimate when the battery will be empty based on your past usage. The graph and the estimates are displayed in the Today view of the Notification Center as well as in the app. The widget is not displayed by default in the Today view. You will need to add it with a few simple steps.

  Battery Graph Widget rezolva aceasta problema cu un widget ce este vizibil in Notifications Center, el oferindu-ne posibilitatea de a vedea cum am consumat bateriei pe parcursul zilelor de utilizare ale unui terminal mobil. In imaginea de mai sus aveti o demonstratie a modului in care functioneaza aplicatia si observati ca ea afiseaza modul in care scade sau creste procentajul de energie disponibil in baterie pe masura ce zilele de utilizare ale terminalului trec de la o incarcare completa.

Both the graph in the app and in the Today widget are customizable. You can select the color of the graph, whether it is filled with a gradient and whether the grid lines are displayed. In the app you can select one of the the time periods: 1 day, 1 week or 1 month. You can also use use the pinch gesture to set another period.

Din pacate aplicatia Battery Graph Widget nu ofera foarte multe optiuni pentru personalizarea informatiilor afisate, doar culoarea si orientarea datelor avand optiuni de modificare. Battery Graph Widget este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Battery Graph Widget



Developer: L Mikusiak
Categoria: Utilities

Descriere: Battery Graph Widget tracks the battery level of your device and displays the graph with battery level. Furthermore, it calculates the estimate when the battery will be empty based on your past usage.


Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 2.9 Mb

This post was last modified on dec. 16, 2014, 9:24 AM 09:24

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