MacBook Air Retina Display este un nou Mac dezvoltat de catre compania Apple in momentul de fata, el urmand a intra in producie in 2015. Noul Mac urmeaza sa aiba un Retina Display de 12 inch, un design modificat de catre Apple si hardware imbunatatit pentru performantmai bune.
Conform unor informatii aparute astazi, atat Apple Watch, cat si MacBook Air Retina Display urmeaza sa intre in productie la inceputul anului viitor. Apple le-a cerut partenerilor sai sa accelereze procesul de productie ale celor doua noi produse pentru o lansare ce urmeaza sa aiba loc in lunile urmatoare.
Following a pilot production at the end of 2014, Apple’s new 12-inch MacBook Air is expected to enter mass production in the first quarter of 2015, according to sources from the upstream supply chain. And with the Apple Watch also beginning production at about the same time, Apple’s supply chain players have started accelerating their supplies of related components.
MacBook Air Retina Display 12 inch urmeaza sa includa noi procesoare Intel Boardwell si va avea un profil mai subtire decat actualele MacBook Air. Aceasta schimbare radicala de design genereaza totusi probleme pentru partenerii Apple, care nu ar fi capabili sa produca un numar mare de unitati in perioada aceasta.
Dupa cum era de asteptat, Quanta Computer este partenerul ales de catre Apple pentru a fabrica noile produse, compania producand si actualele Mac-uri. Conform unor zvonuri vechi, noul MAcBook Air urmeaza sa includa un trackpad fara butoane si procesoare fara ventilatoare, dar ramane de vazut exact ce vom primi de la Apple.
Apple’s new MacBook Air features Intel’s Broadwell processors and a new chassis design to reduce the device’s overall thickness and weight, but the start of mass production has been hampered by low yield rates, the sources said.The new 12-inch MacBook Air will target mainly the high-end market segment and therefore will only have limited shipments, but the product will allow Apple to stay firmly as the leader in the ultra-thin notebook sector in terms of technology, the sources said.
In final se pare ca MacBook Air Retina Display 12 inch urmeaza sa fie disponibil in culorile: argintiu, auriu si space grey, Apple intentionand sa ofere exact aceleasi culori precum pentr terminale iPhone.