Parallels Acces este aplicatia pentru iOS lansata special pentru a controla aplicatia Parallels pentru OS X ce permite crearea unei masini virtuale in care putem rula orice sistem de operare. Folosind aplicatia pentru iOS, utilizatorii Parallels se pot conecta la un PC in care ruleaza o masina virtuala si pot avea acces rapid la ea prin intermet.
Pentru ca vorbim despre o aplicatie importanta, ea a fost actualizata in cursu noptii trecute de catre compania sa dezvoltatoare cu o multitudine de noutati. Pentru inceput avem suport pentru iPhone 6 si iPhone 6 Plus, un manager de fisiere mai eficient care permite noi metode de administrare a fisierelor, optiunea de cauta fisiere in calculatoare, etc.
- Support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
Full-scale File Manager that allows you to:
store files locally with Parallels Access and preview them
view and copy files from Dropbox and Google Drive cloud storage accounts
search for files on remote computers
open files in Parallels Access from other apps on iOS devices
transfer locally stored files to remote computers and open them with desktop applications
share files with iOS sharing tools
Support for iOS 8 Document Picker to copy and view files from other apps in Parallels Access
Ability to play sounds from remote computer when the app is in background
Option to play sound on your mobile device or remote computer
Improvements to Lock’n’Go Magnifying Glass
Performance optimizations and stability improvements
Printre noutati se mai regaseste posibilitatea de a accesa fisiere din aplicatii instalate in late iDevice-uri, posibilitatea de a transfera fisiere in calculatoarele la care suntem conectati, optiunea de a rula un sunet pe calculator si multe altele. Aplicatia Parallels Access pentru iOS este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA in format universal.
Parallels Access
Descriere: Parallels Access is the fastest, simplest, and most reliable way to remotely access all your Windows and Mac applications and files from your iPhone or iPad. From accessing a single file that you forgot on…
This post was last modified on ian. 15, 2015, 12:08 PM 12:08