Este weekend si vorbim din nou despre promotia pentru cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii in App Store Romania, compania Apple promovand acest titlu timp de o saptamana in magazinul sau. Shadowmatic este aplicatia aleasa de catre cei din Cupertino pentru promovare in magazinul sau, iar in cele ce urmeaza vom discuta despre ea.
Shadowmatic este un puzzle game in care voi veti avea rolul de a roti obiecte abstracte in diverse medii pentru a recunoaste siluete prin umbre proiectate de catre joc. Conform dezvoltatorilor, jocul are un motor grafic avansat si elemente grafice relaxante care ar trebui sa faca gameplay-ul extrem de atractiv.
Shadowmatic is an imagination-stirring puzzle where you rotate abstract objects in a spotlight to find recognizable silhouettes in projected shadows, relevant to the surrounding environment. The game combines stunning visuals with relaxing and captivating gameplay. On your journey to discover the right solution you will stumble upon many unexpected and infinitely varied silhouettes.
Shadowmatic este conceput din 9 camere, fiecare cu concept, atmosfera si muzica unice, totul pentru a ne oferi o experienta de joc extrem de interesanta. Muzica folosita de catre utilizatori a fost special aleasa pentru a fi potenta fiecare momenta al ctiunii, astfel incat sa va petreceti timpul in mod placut in joc.
Conform dezvoltatorilor, Shadowmatic are 70 de niveluri in cele 9 medii unice, dar si un modul 3D parallax implementat, astfel ca intreaga interfata va fi extrem de interesanta.
The game features 9 rooms, each flavored with unique concept, atmosphere, and music. Hints. The game includes a system of hints. To enjoy the game to its fullest, however, we recommend resorting to them on rare occasions only. Music. Every room in the game features its own music arrangement, adding up to the distinctive atmosphere and feel in each. The music is best experienced with headphones, and is available separately on iTunes.
Shadowmatic este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE in format universal din App Store.
Descriere: Shadowmatic is an imagination-stirring puzzle where you rotate abstract objects in a spotlight to find recognizable silhouettes in projected shadows, relevant to the surrounding environment.
The game combines stunning visuals with relaxing and captivatin…