Universal confirma distributia si subiectul filmului Steve Jobs

  Universal este una dintre cele mai mari case de productie cinematografica de pe glob, iar la sfarsitul anului trecut a cumparat de la Sony Pictures pentru 30 de milioane de dolari dreptul de a produce filmul Steve Jobs. Realizat in baza singurei biografii autorizate scrise pentru legendarul CEO al companiei Apple, filmul are de ceva vreme o distributie si filmarile au inceput chiar in cursul saptamanii trecute. Avand in vedere toate acestea, cei de la Universal au anuntat oficial in cursul noptii trecute planurile cu privire la modul in care vor produce viitoarea pelicula, iar mai jos vorbim despre toate.

  Conform Universal, dar si a zvonurilor care s-au dovedit a fi adevarate, Michael Fassbender il va interpreta pe Steve Jobs, Seth Rogen il va interpreta pe Steve Wozniak, Kate Winslet o va interpreta pe Joanna Hoffman, fosta sefa de marketing a diviziei Macintosh, Jeff Daniels il va interpreta pe John Sculley, CEO-ul care l-a inlocuit pe Steve Jobs in 1984, Katherine Waterson o va interpreta pe Chrisann Brennan, una dintre fostele iubite ale lui Steve Jobs, iar Michael Stuhlbarg il va interpreta pe Andy Hertzfeld, unul dintre membrii cheie ai echipei Macintosh.

  Intreaga distributie este compusa din actori care au jucat intr-o multitudine de filme produse la Hollywood care au avut succes in cinematografele din lumea intreaga. In aceasta idee, vom avea parte de un film pe cinste, iar conform zvonurilor, el ar trebui lansat pana la sfarsitul anului.

UNIVERSAL CITY, CA, January 27, 2015—Universal Pictures today announced that principal photography has commenced in San Francisco on Steve Jobs. Set backstage at three iconic product launches and ending in 1998 with the unveiling of the iMac, the film takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution to paint an intimate portrait of the brilliant man at its epicenter.

Steve Jobs is directed by Academy Award® winner Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire, 127 Hours) and written by Academy Award® winner Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network, HBO’s The Newsroom), working from Walter Isaacson’s best-selling biography of the Apple founder. The producers are Mark Gordon (Saving Private Ryan, Source Code), Guymon Casady (HBO’s Game of Thrones, Hope Springs) of Film 360, Scott Rudin and Academy Award® winner Christian Colson (Slumdog Millionaire, Selma).

Michael Fassbender (X-Men: Days of Future Past, 12 Years a Slave) will play Steve Jobs, the pioneering founder of Apple, with Academy Award®-winning actress Kate Winslet (The Reader, Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind) starring as Joanna Hoffman, former marketing chief of Macintosh. Steve Wozniak, who co-founded Apple, is played by Seth Rogen (Neighbors, The Interview), and Jeff Daniels (HBO’s The Newsroom, Good Night, and Good Luck.) stars as former Apple CEO John Sculley. The film also stars Katherine Waterston (Inherent Vice, Being Flynn) as Chrisann Brennan, Jobs’ ex-girlfriend, and Michael Stuhlbarg (A Serious Man, HBO’s Boardwalk Empire) as Andy Hertzfeld, one of the original members of the Apple Macintosh development team.

Other members of the cast include Perla Haney-Jardine (Future Weather), Ripley Sobo (Winter’s Tale) and Makenzie Moss (upcoming Do You Believe?) as young Lisa Brennan at various stages of her life, Sarah Snook (Predestination) as Andrea Cunningham, as well as Adam Shapiro (A Single Man) as Avie Tevanian.

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