Fleksy Valentine’s Day update aduce noutati utile pentru noi!

  Fleksy este una dintre cele mai populare tastaturi terte disponibile in App Store pentru iOS 8, iar in cursul acestei zile ea a fost actualizata cu un update special pentru Valentine’s Day. Pentru aceasta versiune a aplicatiei, Fleksy are disponibila o noua serie de teme pentru tastatura, optiunea ed a adauga un rand de taste ce pot fi personalizate in functie de caracterele introduse mai des, animatii in forma de inima pentru taste la apasare, inlocuirea butonului globului din tastatura cu cel al unui caracter, iCloud Sync pentru dictionar si pana la 7 taste in modul landscape pentru iPhone.

  • The Energy Theme Pack! Breathe more life into your keyboard with these animated themes.
  • The Hotkey Extension! Add a row of customizable keys for things you type often like emojis, symbols or email addresses.
  • Heart Pops! Make your keys pop with hearts with this lovely Extension.
  • Magic Button! Replace the globe with emoji, a comma, or a dismiss keyboard button in settings. Also, long-press the globe button for more options.
  • Case-sensitive layout. Enable this feature in Settings.
  • iCloud Sync. Now your dictionary words will sync automatically across your devices.
  • More keys have been added to landscape orientation on iPhone (portrait for iPad). You can disable this layout in Settings.
  • Fixed a bug where the keyboard keys would be misaligned in some apps.
  • Many other bug fixes and performance improvements.

  Separat Fleksy rezolva un bug care genera o aliniere gresita a tastaturii in anumite aplicatii si altele care generau performante reduse pentru utilizatori. Aplicatia Fleksy este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE in format universal din App Store.

This post was last modified on feb. 13, 2015, 6:27 PM 18:27

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