SimpleCenters este un nou tweak extrem de complex disponibil pentru iDevice-urile care ruleaza iOS 8, el fiind conceput in ideea de a ne permite sa modificam o buna parte din functionalitatea Control Center si Notifications Center. Pentru Notifications Center tweak-ul ne permite sa ascundem orice fel de tab-uri dorim, ne permite sa ascundem complet partea superioara din interfata sa, ne permite sa alegem ce este afisat cand deschidem centrul de notificari, ne permite sa alegem cum sunt sterse notificarile, ne permite sa alegem ce efecte de animatie sunt rulate si multe, multe altele.
- Hide the tabs at the top of the NC
- Hide the Today date
- Hide Today headers completely, or just the background, icon, or text
- Hide notification headers completely, or just the background, icon, or text
- Open the Today page if you have no notifications, otherwise open the Notifications page
- Single tap the “X” to clear notifications faster
- Make the notification swipe buttons transparent
- Mark the icon badge as 0 when you remove a notification
- Don’t show the NC on the first swipe
- Change notification “X” to clear, or hide it
- Remove all NC blur or make NC completely clear
- Hide the bottom separator, “Edit” button separator, notification separators, and various NC lines
- Hide NC chevron, make it stay the same shape all the time, drop-down NC grabber, and lockscreen NC grabber
- Increase notification line size by 2
- Hide notification previews or banners
- Have a transparent status bar, or completely remove it
- Hide the weather info in the Today page
- Always open the Today or Notification section
- Completely disable NC
Pentru Control Center tweak-ul ne ofera posibilitatea de a ascunde orice toggle-uri dorim, de a ascunde toate butoanele de control pentru multimedia, cele pentru AirDrop, sau afisarea doar a unora dintre ele in functie de nevoi. Separat putem ascunde orice elemente grafice din interfata Control Center-ului dupa bunul plac, putem folosi animatia veche a iOS 7 pentru deschidere, putem afisa Control Center in Landscape Mode, il putem dezactiva complet si multe altele. SimpleCenters este disponibil pentru descarcare la pretul de 1$ din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.
- Hide the CC toggles, brightness slider, media section, AirDrop/AirPlay section, and Quick Launch section
- Hide the media section when no music is playing
- Hide the AirDrop/AirPlay section if they are turned off
- Always show the AirPlay section
- Remove all CC blur or make CC completely clear
- Hide the toggle/section backgrounds
- Hide the CC separators
- Hide the CC chevron, make it stay the same shape all the time, slide-up CC grabber, and lockscreen CC grabber
- Hide the CC when toggling brightness, and remove the tint from the screen when toggling brightness
- Use old iOS 7 CC bounce
- Fix the CC not showing on the lockscreen sometimes
- Lock all the toggles from being changed
- Activate the tweak in landscape mode
- Don’t show the CC on the first swipe
- Completely disable CC