Opera Coast 4.1 update aduce o multitudine de noutatii pentru iPhone si iPad

  Opera Coast este un browser dezvoltat special pentru terminale mobile de catre compania Opera, o versiune dedicata tabletelor iPad fiind disponibila in App Store inca din cursul anului trecut. Fiind gandit special pentru terminale mobile, browserul Opera Coast afiseaza website-urile pe intregul ecran al terminalelor noastre si ne permite sa interactionam cu ele folosind chiar simple swipe-uri.

  • We realize that you may not always be on an awesomely fast connection. So, we made some updates to help brighten up your long commute or help you look up survival tips when confronted with a hungry bear in the wilderness.
  • Now, Opera Coast compresses videos when Opera Turbo is enabled. If you’re on a dodgy connection, you can still watch clips advising you to stand tall even if the bear is charging.
  • The app also shows a progress bar when loading pages on a slow network. If it’s really slow, it shows encouraging messages to remind you to hang in there while your mobile network tries desperately to get you more tips for escape.
  • Swipe back while browsing a secure site (HTTPS), like your bank or email site, to go back without refreshing the previous page.
  • From the latest news feed, swipe down to return to searching.
  • Share pages you find directly to Pocket, Evernote, Pinterest and Kik.
  • Enjoy a more stable and bear-free Opera Coast.

  Actualizat acum cateva luni pentru a functiona si pe iPhone, in cursul acestei seri un nou update a fost lansat, el aducand o serie de noutati importante pentru noi. Cei de la Opera au implementat un sistem de compresie pentru clipuri video in cazul utilizarii sistemului Opera Turbo, ofera optiunea de a utiliza swipe back pe website-urile HTTPS, permit partajarea de link-uri in diverse feed readere, iar in final au rezolvat diverse probleme de stabilitate.

  Opera Coast este disponibil pentru download GRATUIT, in format universal, in App Store.

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