PhotoUploader te ajuta sa-ti incarci rapid pozele oriunde doresti

  PhotoUploader este un nou tweak lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile care ruleaza iOS 8, el oferindu-ne posibilitatea de a incarca rapid pozele din terminale in aproape ori cel fel de aplicatii, dar si in multe servicii web. In imaginea de mai sus aveti prezentata o parte din functionalitatea tweak-ului, el simplificand incarcarea pozelor in serviciile imgur, CloudApp sau Twitter, insa si partajarea de poze catre diverse aplicatii instalate in terminalele noastre.

  • Upload to Imgur: now you can upload your images directly from the stock apps Photos and Camera app to Imgur then after it finish the image URL will be copied to the pasteboard in your device so u can share it in reddit/twitter/facebook or anywhere. NOTE: this won’t upload the images into your Imgur account;
    Upload to CloudApp: this option different than the Imgur one because it let u upload images directly to your CloudApp account after u authonticate the tweak with your login information inside the tweak settings page;
  • Tweet to Twitter: just a simple option which will let u tweet directly the images to twitter without any tweet just your image ( requires: an Twitter account inside your device social settings page ).
  • Share to Apps: of course i didn’t forgot Facebook/Dropbox/WhatsApp/Evernote and other apps ( with this option u will have an OpenIN function which let u share your image with the most installed social apps in your device ( did u said Instagram ? ) [ so i have decided to let it till 1.0-2 version Stay Tuned].
  • Preference Options: reset the preferences values to the defaults;
  • Configure options from Settings.app.

  PhotoUploader are un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings, Configurari, iar prin intermediul sau ii puteti controla intreaga functionalitatefoarte simplu si usor. Tweak-ul poate fi cumparat la pretul de 1 dolar din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on mart. 19, 2015, 9:03 PM 21:03

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