Nourania implementeaza o multitudine de functii pentru aplicatia Twitter

  Nourania este un tweak disponibil din cursul noptii trecute in Cydia pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile care ruleaza iOS 8, el fiind conceput in ideea de a ne oferi posibilitatea de a implementa o suita de functii noi pentru aplicatia Twitter disponibila in App Store. Mai jos aveti prezentata o lista foarte lunga de optiuni disponibile pentru aplicatia Twitter, acestea functionand cu cea mai recenta versiune a aplicatiei Twitter disponibila in App Store la momentul scrierii acestui articol.

  In aceasta idee, tweak-ul Nourania ne permite sa: partajam tweet-uri cu alte aplicatii ale iOS; partajam rapid imagini cu aplicatii terte prin apasarea indelungata asupra lor; partajam mesaje catre aplicatii terte prin aceeasi actiue; editam imagini si sa adaugam filtre; partajam rapid cea mai recenta imagine inregistrata; scriem tweet-uri mai lungi de 160 de caractere si multe altele.

  • Share Tweets: now u can share any tweet to social applications WhatsApp/Evernote and more;
  • Share Images by longpress on any image u will be able to share it with social applications like WhatsApp/Evernote/Telegram/Dropbox and more also save the images in an native Twitter folder;
  • Share Messages also with a longpress on the Direct messages message u will be able to share it with social applications WhatsApp/Evernote and more ( won’t share images from direct messages will share only the text ) open the image to share it;
  • Edit Images option give u the ability to edit the images and add filters/text/emoticons and more before you tweet them;
  • Last Taken Image: use quickly the taken image for Direct Message or to tweet with it;
  • Long Tweet with a new way u will be able to convert the rest of your tweet to an image.
  • Color Long Tweets option to change the text color in the long tweet image, also ooption to change the background color :).
  • Stream: now u won’t update your timeline manually it will be updated automaticly to feed the new tweets;
  • Preference Options: reset the preferences values to the defaults.

  Nourania este disponibil pentru descarcare la pretul de 1$ din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on mart. 19, 2015, 8:17 PM 20:17

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