iOS 8.3 beta 4 a fost lansat cu doar cateva zeci de minute in urma de catre compania Apple, iar impreuna cu aceasta versiune a sistemului de operare a fost dezvaluita si intreaga lista a schimbarilor pe care cei din Cupertino au pregatit-o pentru actualizare. Ca de obicei, vorbim despre o multitudine de schimbari interne facute de catre compania americanana, majoritatea dintre ele nefiind vizibile in interfata aplicatiilor native sau in alte zone ale sistemului de operare, insa ele sunt simtite in timpul utilizarii.
Noutatile iOS 8.3 beta 4 presupun inclusiv imbunatatirile performantelor generale si rezolvarea unei multitudini dintre problemele existente in versiunile anterioare ale sistemului de operare, astfel ca actualizarea trebuie facuta daca ati instalat o versiune anterioara.
App Extensions
App extensions need an arm64 slice to run on 64-bit devices. If you try to run the armv7 slice on a 64-bit device it won’t work.
Apps need to have an arm64 slice if the bundle contains a framework that both the app and the app extension link against.
Fixed in Beta 4
Outgoing Call Audio and FaceTime Audio may be choppy.
Known Issue
HomeKit may not be able to target specific Accessories in rooms using Siri. Instead, commands may affect all HomeKit-connected devices as a group.
Maps navigation includes a Hebrew voice for devices that use Hebrew as the main language.
Known Issue
Arabic and Hebrew keyboard voice dictation may not be functional.
Fixed in Beta 4
3rd Party keyboards may not be available for selection in Spotlight Search.
When linking against iOS 8.3, any code that relies on layout information (such as the frame) of a
subview when the button is not in the window hierarchy will need to sendlayoutIfNeeded
to the button before retrieving layout information (such asbutton.titleLabel.frame
) to ensure that the layout values are up to date.For example, if you had something like this:
UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeSystem];
// code that sets up the button, but doesn’t yet add it to a window
CGRect titleFrame = button.titleLabel.frame;
// code that relies on the correct value for titleFrame
You now need:
Known Issue
Creating an animated image using the
and then playing the animation usingstartAnimating
ignores the duration and plays back as fast as possible.Workaround: Use