Periscope – live video streaming prin Twitter

  Periscope este o aplicatie lansata de catre compania Facebook in App Store in cursul zilei de ieri, ea fiind conceputa in ideea de a ne permite sa efectuam streaming video live folosindu-ne contul Twitter si infrastructura companiei americane. Conform descrierii facute de catre creatorii titlului, toti urmaritorii nostri vor fi notificati instant despre stream-ul video live pe care noi l-am initiat, ei putand comenta la imaginile inregistrate de catre noi, optiunea de a “da like” folosind inimioare fiind deasemenea disponibila.

  Periscope are disponibila si o optiune care ne permite sa vizualizam o inregistrare a sa, urmaritorii nostri putand urmari deasemenea inregistrarea oricand doresc, comentariile si inimile trimise de catre ei fiind afisate intr-un spatiu special al filmarii.

Periscope lets you broadcast live video to the world. Going live will instantly notify your followers who can join, comment and send you hearts in real time. The more hearts you get, the higher they flutter on the screen.

  Partea interesanta este ca folosind Periscope putem alege ca stream-urile video live sa fie facute doar catre anumite persoane din lista noastra, optiunea de a transmite catre toata lista de urmaritori fiind disponibila pentru noi oricand.

  • REPLAY: When your broadcast is over, you can make it available for replay so viewers can watch later. Viewers can replay your broadcast with comments and hearts to relive the full experience. Replays currently last 24 hours. You can delete your replay at any time.
  • PRIVATE: If you want to broadcast to specific people, press the lock icon before going live and choose who you want to invite to your broadcast.
  • TWITTER: You can choose to share your Periscope broadcasts on Twitter by tapping the bird icon before you start broadcasting. When you go live, you’ll tweet a link so that your Twitter followers can watch on the web (or in the app)
  • MANAGE NOTIFICATIONS: Periscope will suggest people for you to follow based on your Twitter network. You can always follow new people, or unfollow them if you don’t want to be notified when they go live. You can also adjust notification preferences in Periscope Settings (in Profile)
  • HEARTS: Periscope keeps track of how many hearts you get from your viewers. The more hearts, the higher you get in the “Most Loved” list.

  Periscope este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA din App Store intr-un format compatibil cu terminalele iPhone si iPod Touch.

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