Football Manager Classic 2015 este cel mai recent joc din seria football manager lansat in App Store pentru fanii acestui tip de titluri pentru terminale mobile, el oferindu-ne posibilitatea de a deveni antrenorul unei echipe virtuale de fotbal si de a ii controla destinul in toate competitiile in care vom fi inscrisi. Dupa cum probabil va asteptati deja, jocul are o baza de date cu toate echipele importante din lumea reala, ele fiind actualizate la zi, astfel ca va veti putea asuma controlul asupra echipei favorite pentru a conduce spre glorie, asa cum antrenorul sau real probabil nu a reusit sa o faca inca in baza viziunii sale.
Have you ever watched your favourite football team struggle through a game and thought to yourself ‘they’d be much better if I were calling the shots’? Well, now you can prove that’s true by taking the managerial reins in Football Manager Classic 2015. Created by Sports Interactive – the studio behind the world-famous Football Manager series – Football Manager Classic 2015 lets you take control of any real-world club (from a selection of 117 leagues from 51 nations across the globe) and guide them to glory on your iPad.
Football Manager Classic 2015
are creat un sistem special pentru controlarea echipelor in timpul jocurilor, tot felul de statistici esentiale fiind afisate pentru noi in orice confruntare pentru a ne ajuta sa facem cat se poate de eficient schimbarile potrivite pentru a ne conduce echipa spre victorie. Jocul are la baza un motor grafic complex si un sistem de inteligenta artificiala pe masura, astfel ca poate fi jucat numai pe tabletele iPad, mai exact doar pe cele lansate in 2013 si 2014, acestea fiind singurele cu suficient de multa putere de procesare pentru a il sustine.From your digital dugout you make all of the key decisions. You decide who plays and who sits on the bench and you’re in total control of transfers, tactics, substitutions and delivering instructions from the touchline as you follow the action through the Football Manager 3D match engine – available for the first time ever on iPad. Do you have what it takes to make it to the top in the high-stakes, high-pressure world of football management? There’s only one way to find out.
Football Manager Classic 2015 este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE din App Store.
This post was last modified on apr. 9, 2015, 9:04 PM 21:04