In ciuda eforturilor, Quanta a reusit sa produca doar cantitati limitate ale Apple Watch in Q1 2015, insa CEO-ul companiei sustine ca problemele de productie s-au rezolvat si ca acum fabricile sale se afla la capacitate maxima de productie. Conform aceluiasi om, Quanta are singura capacitatea de productie necesara pentru a satisface toate cerintele Apple, asa ca incepand de luna aceasta ar trebui sa vedem o imbunatatire serioasa a timpilor de livrare pentru Apple Watch.
Because of labor shortages during the Lunar New Year holidays, Quanta was forced to borrow manpower from other manufacturers and was only able to deliver limited shipments in the first quarter. However, Quanta already has sufficient capacity to manufacture all the orders and should see a giant contribution from its wearable device business in the second quarter.
Fara a face referire directa la Apple si Apple Watch, CEO-ul Quanta sustine ca smartwatch-ul fabricat de catre compania sa este mult mai complex fata de alte produse similare fabricate pana acum, deci productia este mai dificila. In ciuda acestui lucru se pare ca Apple ar fi multumita de modul in care sunt produse primele unitati ale ceasului sau, asta desi exista diverse probleme cu el.
However, Leung declined to state the name of its client or its products. Leung noted that the wearable device is unlike the smartwatches it produced before and has a lot of functions in it and its client is satisfied with the product.
Pana acum am aflat ca ecranul Apple Watch se dezlipeste de carcasa si ca unele unitati ar putea avea module Force Touch defecte, insa separat de acest lucru totul pare sa fie normal. Tim Cook a afirmat ca Apple va acoperi cerea de pe piata cu privire la Apple Watch abia din luna iunie, astfel ca pana atunci e bine sa nu va asteptati sa gasiti produsul in cantitati mari in magazine.
This post was last modified on mai 15, 2015, 4:12 PM 16:12