Desi Microsoft a marcat documentul din imaginea de mai sus ca fiind confidential, el a fost totusi regasit pe un website public al companiei, insa desigur ca aplicatia Flow nu a fost confirmata in vreun fel sau altul de catre cei din Redmond. Chiar si asa, Flow este privita precum era vazuta aplicatia Skype Qik pentru Skype, adica o metoda foarte simpla de a discuta cu diverse persoane fara a trimite efectiv email-uri.
Use Flow with anyone, it’s email: Reach anyone with an email address and all conversations for you and others are also in Outlook. Together, you can use Flow and Outlook interchangeably to participate in the same conversations. Fast, fluid, natural conversations: No subject lines, salutations, or signatures. Flow is designed for fast, light-weight conversations in real time. Focus on what’s important: Only conversations started in Flow and their replies show up in Flow, not your whole inbox. Focus on your most important person-to-person conversations without the noise.
Pentru foarte multe persoane aplicatia Flow se va arata ca fiind complet inutila, insa in realitate cei de la Microsoft vor intra intr-o foarte aglomerata piata a aplicatiilor de mesagerie text cu un titlu complet nou. Ca sa fiu sincer, nu stiu cata lume ar avea nevoie de o noua aplicatie inutila in smartphone-uri sau cat de multe persoane vad acest mod de conversatie mai usor si mai natural decat a trimite un email.
Voi ce parere aveti despre Flow ?
This post was last modified on mai 20, 2015, 9:52 AM 09:52