City Maps 2Go Pro este cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii in App Store

City Maps 2Go ProCity Maps 2Go ProCea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii a fost anuntata de catre compania Apple impreuna cu aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii, iar acum vorbim despre titlul care a fost ales pentru promovare de catre compania americana. City Maps 2Go Pro este o aplicatie disponibila de ceva vreme in App Store, ea putand inlocui cu succes aplicatia iOS 8 Maps de care foarte multi utilizatori nu sunt multumiti. 

Aplicatia are disponibile harti pentru majoritatea tarilor/oraselor de pe glob, iar voi puteti descarca fiecare harta din ea si o puteti utiliza offline, aceasta fiind principala functie care recomanda descarcarea aplicatiei. Utilizand-o veti avea optiunea de a cauta puncte de interes sau locatii la fel ca in orice alta aplicatie pentru iOS, insa totul intr-un mod mult mai util decat utilizand iOS 8 Maps sau chiar Google Maps.

  • PRO UNLIMITED VERSION – This Pro version gives you life-long, unlimited access to maps and travel content covering all available destinations worldwide. Alternatively, a free version, which is limited to five destinations of your choice, is available on the App Store as well.
  • WORLDWIDE COVERAGE – Thousands of destinations available worldwide, covering virtually the entire globe. Should you need a destination that’s missing, we’ll create it for you immediately upon request. Just email us at
  • DETAILED MAPS – Never get lost. See your location on the map, even without an internet connection. Find streets, addresses and POIs – and get pointed in the walking direction of places you want to see. 
  • IN-DEPTH TRAVEL CONTENT – Have all the information in your pocket. For each destination, access comprehensive and up-to-date information covering thousands of places, attractions, and points of interest. Aggregated, packaged and formatted from the best data sources on the web for easy use on your smartphone and tablet.
  • SEARCH AND DISCOVER – Find the best restaurants, shops, attractions, hotels, bars, etc. Search by name, browse by category or discover nearby places using your device’s GPS – even without an internet connection.
  • GET TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS – Find tips and recommendations from locals and fellow travelers. Browse for the most popular attractions, restaurants, shops, etc. 
  • SHARE YOUR FAVORITE PLACES – Create your own reviews and ratings of your favorite places. Share tips and recommendations with friends and other travelers.

City Maps 2Go Pro este disponibila sub forma unei aplicatii universale si este recomandata pentru orice utilizator care nu are suficienti bani pentru a cumpara o aplicatie profesionala, dar nu doreste sa isi consume traficul de internet inutil pentru a avea parte de un sistem de navigatie decent.

Pretul initial:
City Maps 2Go Pro » Offline Map and Travel Guide



Developer: Ulmon GmbH
Categoria: Travel

Descriere: An free version is also available at the app store.

CityMaps2Go is your reliable and easy-to-use global travel companion. Detailed offline maps, in-depth travel content, popular places, and insider tips. …

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 40.1 Mb

This post was last modified on mai 22, 2015, 9:16 PM 21:16

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