DeLe intarzie trimiterea mesajelor SMS/iMessage si nu numai

DeLe intarzie trimiterea mesajelor SMS sau iMessage scrise in aplicatia Mesaje, Messages, a terminalelor noastre, insa functionalitatea sa merge mult mai departe de atat pentru a ne oferi o experienta de utilizare foarte buna pentru dispozitivele noastre. Dezvoltatorul DeLe descrie tweak-ul ca fiind ideal pentru a evitua situatiile nedorite in care trimitem mesaje pe care le regretam, astfel ca el a conceput un tweak care ne scuteste de asemenea probleme cu o serie de functii foarte interesante si binevenite in acelasi timp.

Mai exact, folosind DeLe putem sa : setam o perioada de intarziere de 1 – 10 secunde inainte de a putea trimite un mesaj, optiunea de a trimite mesajele imediat cand dorim, optiunea de a sterge complet mesajele inainte de trimitere, optiunea de a copia rapid textele din mesaje inainte de stergere, optiunea de a edita mesaje cu blocarea trimiterii si optiunea de a ascunde complet tastatura din ecranul aplicatiei Mesaje, Messages.

  • Send Delay: Set a custom 1-10 second(s) delay to give you a chance to undo tapping that Send button and edit your message.
  • Message Tools popup: As you type a unobtrusive little popup menu resembling Apple’s stock text editing menu appears right above your send button.
  • [Airplane Icon]: Quickly send your message confirming delivery without using the preset delay.
  • [Trashcan Icon]: Catch your message before it is sent and erase it completely before the delay timer runs out.
  • [Clipboard Icon]: Quickly copy whatever is composed in the text box to your clipboard to paste and edit elsewhere without highlighting and selecting all.
  • [Scissors Icon]: Quickly cut and save whatever you’ve typed to your clipboard. The text box will then be cleared and your SMS will no longer be sent. Great way to stop a message in its tracks to review later.
  • [Keyboard Icon]: On first tap the keyboard will be lowered to give your conversation view more real estate. Tap a second time and the keyboard will be removed completely allowing you to read your conversation in full screen.

DeLe este disponibil pentru descarcare la pretul de 1.5 dolari din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on mai 25, 2015, 6:34 PM 18:34

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