Aplicatia Shaormel este, desigur, “facuta” de catre un dezvoltator roman numitMircea Guta, probabil fara vreo legatura cu binecunoscutul “rege” autoproclamat la manelelor. Separat de lungile sesiuni de alergare si ingurgitare de shaorme, Sharmel evita exercitiile fizice si sufera cand in locul unei shaorme prinde o caramida, insa probaibl il veti ajuta voi sa ajunga la finalul fiecarei “curse”.
Shaormel is an endless balkan rhythm-runner that puts you in the middle of the music, eating shawarma, chili and dodging bricks. Are you up for the challenge?
Aplicatia Shaormel este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA din App Store.
Descriere: Shaormel is an endless balkan rhythm-runner that puts you in the middle of the music, eating shawarma, chili and dodging bricks. Are you up for the challenge
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This post was last modified on iun. 7, 2015, 8:01 PM 20:01