Dupa cum probabil va imaginati deja, voi veti prelua rolul celebrului agent secret Ethan Hunt in misiunea sa de a salva lumea si de a omora o multitudine de criminali care fac parte din Sindicatul global pe care americanul trebuie sa il distruga inainte de a fi omorat de catre agentii sai.
Avand in vedere ca Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation este dezvoltat in baza unui film ce va fi lansat in cinematografe in mai putin de doua saptamani, voribm despre o poveste care urmeaza indeaproape firul epic al filmului, astfel ca veti avea parte de un gameplay foarte interesant.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it… Infiltrate secure locations and eliminate high-profile targets, perform lethal strikes and confront the Syndicate across the globe. This message will self-destruct… Travel to exotic locations as you take out enemy agents, destroy rogue bases, and eliminate the boss in each region! Complete each mission’s objective as you stop the Syndicate and assist the IMF. Stake out targets from long range, take them down with well-placed shots, assault enemy bases head-on or infiltrate enemy lines without compromising your identity.
In Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation veti explora o multitudine de lumi exotice in misiunea voastra de a il ucide pe seful Sindicatului, in ajutor venindu-va diversi agenti ai IMF echipati cu cele mai bune arme existente in momentul de fata, ele putand fi imbunatatite pe parcursul jocului.
Din pacate Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation nu are integrat un modul multiplayer, insa partea buna este ca el are suficient de multa actiune pentru a ne tine ocupati cateva ore bune in timpul folosirii pe iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile noastre, deci cu siguranta veti avea parte de o experienta foarte buna.
Load up on weapons like sniper rifles, assault rifles, heavy guns and gauss rifles then upgrade them. Don’t forget to grab the latest gear as well like rocket launchers, throwing knives, med kits, armor, and more! Build your IMF headquarters defenses to protect your resources, assault and steal other players’ headquarters! Fortify your defenses with upgrades like turrets to repel even the most stubborn attackers.
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA, in format universal, din App Store.
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
Descriere: Your mission, should you choose to accept it
Infiltrate secure locations and eliminate high-profile targets, perform lethal strikes and confront the Syndicate across the globe.
This message will self-destruct
NOTE: The iPod Touch 4th Gen is not supporte…
This post was last modified on iul. 17, 2015, 4:48 PM 16:48